Internal Competition results Nov 23 – Apr 24

Internal Competition results Nov 23 – Apr 24

We are now halfway through the season and as the qualifying number of games to take part in the competition is 40, only members who have played a minimum of 20 games are included, the top 5 for Ladies and Men are posted in the Members section.

Ladies, Carol is still leading the field , however following a good April Mary has leapt to 2nd place, we also welcome 2 new players in the top 5 –  Jilly and Jennie, well done ladies.

With regard to the Men’s section, Dennis is still leading the pack having lost only 7 of his 34 games. Otherwise there has been very little change except that we welcome Mike Lewis into the top 5.

There is no doubt that the practice sessions have proved worthwhile and players games are improving. Well done to all.