The Calne Mayor, Director of Council Services, Manager of the Leisure centre and Members of the club were there to welcome the new electric roller to the Club, Duncan Whitehead the M.D. of Whitehead Bowls let us know that all machines are named by his wife, hence we have become proud owners of number 275 Florence. Duncan gave an excellent demonstration of Florence’s capabilities.The roller makes it much easier and will enable more members of the club to help setting up and putting away. All that requires is experience and that will come in time. For example I had a chance to help yesterday afternoon, the first attempt with John was reasonably successful, the second mat went on without much trouble. The secret is to let the machine do the work and not try to force it. We are looking forward to many years with our Florence.
Many thanks to the Council and our anonymous Donors who made this possible, as well as our members who have given the Club so much support over the years and created a club to be proud of.
Photos can be found in 25th April 2024 Florence arrives at Beversbrook